The God Rolls For The Call, The Best New ‘Destiny 2’ Legendary

Power creep? Who cares! I am enjoying the brand new legendary rocket sidearm, The Call, which may genuinely be the most powerful legendary in Destiny 2 right now thanks to its endless utility and, unlike the first rocket sidearm, Indebted Kindness, can easily be farmed or crafted rather than battling a 15% drop rate RNG in a dungeon encounter.

Rocket Sidearms can borderline be used as primaries at this point, and The Call is a weapon you’re going to want in your arsenal. Possibly like, at all times. Here are the god rolls for it, and you may notice a pattern here.

  • Lead for Gold/One For All or Vorpal – These were my two recent rolls, but I switched from Vorpal to OFA because it’s just so easy to proc it with the explosive damage for a 35% damage boost. If you want it purely as a secondary boss chunker than Vorpal could be better, but it’s probably going to be OFA. Lead for Gold helps the whole “use as a primary” thing immensely, and honestly you can combine that with almost any secondary perk on here.
  • Subsistence/One for All or Hatchling or Desperate Measures – Given how often The Call can one shot groups of red bars or 1-2 shot orange bars, Subsistence keeps those mini-rockets flowing almost endlessly. The second perk depends more on the build you want, but it’s probably one of those.
  • Slice/Hatchling – This is for heavily Strand-based builds so maybe not Prismatic, but it’s going to proc a lot of different stuff between hatchling spawning and slice negation. Good on Warlock specifically.
  • Demolitionist/Whatever – This can roll demo in the first slot which is rare and really good because you can put a damage perk on the end, so if you’re going for grenades, this is great. And special weapons give more of a boost than primaries, but you can use this as a primary so…
  • Stats for All/One for All – The classic combo, but given that this is one of the best guns in the game, it’s going to feel even better than ever.
  • Beacon Rounds/Whatever – I know there is a subset of rocket sidearm users that swear by Beacon Rounds but either you love it or you don’t. I don’t, but for some it may feel mandatory.
  • Strategist/One for All – This is a niche concept for Titans where you can use this with Hazardous Propulsion to quickly get your rocket-firing class ability back, and it damage-boosts the gun itself by a huge amount.

I could keep going but I think you get it. There are practically no bad rolls/combinations on this thing. When you have maybe two sub-par perks in the entire list (Adrenaline Junkie, maybe and Multikill Clip) you have got a hell of a weapon. Get it, craft it ASAP.

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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.

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