Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui, Elena and M. Bison revealed as Street Fighter 6 Season 2 DLC

During Summer Games Fest 2024, Capcom revealed Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui, Elena and M. Bison for Street Fighter 6 as the Season 2 DLC lineup.

The order of release for these new DLC characters is M. Bison in Summer 2024, Terry Bogard in Fall 2024, Mai Shiranui in Winter 2025 and Elena in Spring of 2025.

Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui come from Fatal Fury by SNK, and they’re the first two guest characters from another fighting game franchise to ever grace a mainline Street Fighter entry.

M. Bison’s body is partially covered by a cloth and he appears to be leaking some Psycho Power from his face. He died in the last game, which should partially explain his new appearance, as he’s apparently been revived into a new body, as he’s well known for doing. Bison made his debut as the main villain of Street Fighter 2’s 1991 release, and has made regular appearances in the franchise ever since.

With Bison’s return we should also get an update on Shadaloo and how that organization is fairing at this point in the timeline, said to be roughly 10 years after the events of Street Fighter 3: Third Strike. With Bison’s defeat, Shadaloo had fallen on hard times.

Bison’s hat had been prominently featured on Ed’s new stage, Ruined Lab, in Street Fighter 6, showing that this hint was a foreshadowing of Bison’s return.

Elena came from 1997’s Street Fighter 3: New Generation and has a brand new design. She’s one of the more controversial characters in the entire franchise, due to her being a playable character who can restore her health with her Healing move.

This was showcased to great effect in the Ultra Street Fighter 4 competitive community, as she became arguably that game’s most hated character because of how that move functioned.

Terry Bogard was one of three playable characters in the 1991 release of Fatal Fury on the Neo Geo, directed by the creator of the first Street Fighter game, Takashi Nishiyama. There has been a tremendous amount of overlap through the years with SNK and Capcom’s fighting games, but bringing in a guest character like Bogard is a first for Capcom’s mainline Street Fighter games.

Mai Shiranui made her first appearance in 1992’s Fatal Fury 2, and has become one of the more popular characters in all of fighting games since that time.

There have been many allusions through the years to various Capcom characters playing like SNK fighters, notably with C. Viper, but how these characters will play in a Street Fighter title should be very interesting.

Like the past season of Street Fighter 6, Season 2 appears to be adding four new characters to the entry.

In somewhat related news, B. Jenet and Vox Reaper were announced for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves during Summer Games Fest 2024.

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