Meta boosts video recording limit on Ray-Ban smart glasses

In an update, Meta has extended the video recording limit on the Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses.

The built-in camera on the Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses is one of the biggest reasons the product is appealing, but it’s always been a bit limited. Not only is the orientation locked to vertical, but videos could only ever be recorded for up to a minute at a time with no option to extend that.

However, Meta is changing that in the latest update.

Software version 6.0 is rolling out now to all Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses which brings several changes that were first announced at the end of May. That includes support for Calm, Amazon Music, and more.

But as Digital Trends notes, Meta didn’t previously announce that video recording would be made longer. It now extends up to 3 minutes, three times the previous recording limit of 60 seconds. Notably, though, we’re not seeing the same option after updating our unit to v6.0 this afternoon. It seems possible the update is rolling out through the iOS app first, or that this is a limited rollout at least.

Are you seeing this change?

Image: Digital Trends

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