CrazyGames hits 35M users for browser games and launches social multiplayer features

CrazyGames, a browser games platform with 35 million monthly active users, today announced its new social capabilities that allow friends to instantly play together in just one click.

Building on the platform’s strength to offer a frictionless and accessible experience for all, CrazyGames said its new multiplayer features will drive further growth in web gaming by simplifying the experience for both users and developers, the company said.

Last year, Leuven, Belgium-based CrazyGames celebrated its 10th anniversary. Over the past decade, CrazyGames experienced exponential growth and established itself as one of the world’s most popular free browser game platforms.

CrazyGames takes pride in its commitment to supporting small and solo game developers, providing them with the opportunity to showcase their innovative creations to a wider audience. Every new game on CrazyGames receives 48 guaranteed hours on the homepage, reflecting the platform’s dedication to promoting developers’ work. The company’s revenue-sharing model ensures that developers receive their fair share, with millions of dollars paid out each year.

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The global market value of web gaming is set to triple from $1.03 billion in 2021 to $3.09 billion by 2028. CrazyGames said this creates attractive opportunities for revenue and growth for developers, and improved  graphics and advanced game play for players.

With a growing catalog of over 4,000 free games and a vibrant player base, CrazyGames said it is setting new standards for web gaming platforms and cultivating one of the strongest communities of Gen Z and Gen Alpha social gamers worldwide.

CrazyGames has more than 4,000 free games.

“At CrazyGames,our mission is to deliver top-quality games that people can enjoy together without the hassle of installations or purchases,” said Raf Mertens, CEO of CrazyGames, in a statement. The latest update reflects our commitment to letting players connect effortlessly with their friends in their favorite games. It marks the beginning of our journey to redefine social gaming and elevate web games to compete with traditional gaming platforms.”

New features Include making it easy to find and add friends, a way to show which friends are currently online and what games they are playing, and one-click and play together. This enables players to invite and join friends’ games with a single click, streamlining the process of playing together.

CrazyGames also allows players to personalize their profiles with custom names, visualize game statistics, and play streaks. 

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